
Final Task: Eyes Never Lie

Here is my Final Task! I am so excited for you to see all the hard work and dedication put into this film displayed on screen. I hope you enjoy!!  

Production Blog: 3..2..Finished!!

    I am finally done with my project! This past Wednesday, I had the time to sit down and look at all of my information for my opening sequence.  I started by watching the movie, and making sure everything ran as planned. I looked out for any titles that were out of place, scenes that may have lost audio, or anything else that could possibly go wrong. Everything ran according to plan! The next thing I did, was go through my sound and shooting script. I made sure every shot and sound was included. I wanted this information to be as accurate as possible. When this task was done, I made sure to look at my schedules, locations, sounds, shots, and participants to make sure this information was correct as well. I also corrected my titles, since they were not bold enough, I had to change the color from black to red. The last step I will do tonight is upload my final project to youtube. The reason for this, is to make it easier to embed in my final task blog. I can upload the video to youtube

Production Blog: Typing up Types of Scripts

     These past few days have been equally as stressful as before. Cambridge exams have been the main focus, and until the entire month of May is over, I don't think I can fully relax. I have many exams to study for, weekend study groups, and more! However, I did manage to show my movie to more people.  My aunt, uncle, and grandma Facetimed me the other night. I asked them to watch my movie, and of course they agreed. They liked how it turned out, and agreed that making the titles red made them stand out more! I understand they are my family, but they would tell me if they felt they needed me to change anything. I believe that my family's opinion is not bias towards me. They were honest in their critiques.      Today, I took my FSA.  It took 2 hours out of my day that I would have been able to work on my movie sound and shooting script. This was extremely frustrating, since I really wanted to finish this project. It is especially important to wrap this up since April 17th is ri

Production Blog: Work Whirlpool

    This week has been a mess. I am now in the fourth quarter of school, and exams are right around the corner. These past two weeks have been a hurricane of work and studying and last minute assignments from teachers. I have been slammed with work, and I have not gotten to edit my blogs yet. Today is one of the first times I sat down and focused entirely on media. Normally, my mind is going one million miles per hour, but today I calmed myself down to focus on the tasks in front of me. I went to edit my schedule. I had originally planned on filming on the first few weeks of March, but I got so slammed by work that I ended up filming and editing over spring break. I went back and fixed up my cast list under "participants".  I switched my title blog around so that it included the cast and the right names as well. Next, I went to "Location, Participants, and Schedule" and fixed the dates until the schedule had the correct dates. I still have to go through my sounds an

Production Blog: Finishing Touches !

    This weekend, I finished my movie! I ended up adding filters, which made it look too cheesy in my opinion, only to remove them after. When I got my finished product, I showed it to 6 different people! The first people were my mom and dad. They both said that they absolutely loved the editing, but they thought the ending was a little bit confusing. I ended up going back and changing the last clips of my movie to make it less confusing. It wasn't a drastic change, but it was enough to help the ending of my movie make sense. Next, I showed the film to my two siblings, one of which was in the film. They both loved the movie, but agreed that I should add music that was more defined and helped define how scary the ending of my movie is supposed to be. They thought the ending was dull without slight music. Next, I showed my movie to two of my friends, in order to get a response with no bias. My family might tell me what I want to hear, but my friends will be honest. I asked my friend

Production Blog: TITLE-ly Awesome!!

    This past Monday, I was able to finish up my film! I originally was half-way done with my titles, but since learning there should only be one title per screen, I had to edit my film and titles so that each one fit together the way I wanted. After about an hour and 15 minutes of editing, I finally finished my film! I still want to go back and edit the filters on my movie, but the overall hardest part is done! I found that there were 2 errors with my titles. The first being the fact that the black font in some of my titles blended with the screen, and became uninterpretable.  For this, I had to go back and change the color of my titles to bright, blood red. This helped them to not blend into the background, and now they stand out! The second thing I had to do was edit the times that my titles appeared.  I added titles to my film, listing the cast names as well. This meant each title was only on screen for 2.5 seconds. This was not so much an error, but rather an adjustment.      I wi